At 03:49 AM 3/18/02 +0000, you wrote:

>Hi All,
>I am new at this and would appreciate some
>direction.  The following
>was detected by my IDS sensor.  The "email_turn"
>event was recorded but
>the source was the smtp server in my dmz and the
>destination address was
>an internal smtp server.   A few questions:
>1. What exactly is an Email_turn event?

My guess is that this refers to a TURN or ETRN command.

Both are designed to allow a remote host download mail
queued on a mail server.

>2. What danger, if any,  does this feature (smtp turn,
>I'm guessing)
>present on my internal smtp server
>3.  What do I lose by not allowing it. It is MS
>Exchange 5.5.

If you don't queue mail as for domains that you don't host, you lose nothing.

Steve Sobol, Proud Native of the Great Frozen City of Cleveland, Ohio
http://www.Cleveland.OH.US/ (Where the Snow is Cold but our Hearts Aren't!)
CTO, LLC, Mentor On The Lake, Lake County, OH

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