"declasfy" rules!!!  It wipes EVERYTHING!!!!!!  DANGEROUS!!!
Use with caution!!!!

Yes....declasfy is spelled correctly
You can get it from:

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Sjogren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 6:51 PM
To: Dan Williamson; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Disk Wiping Utilities

On Tuesday 26 March 2002 23:14, Dan Williamson wrote:
> I am looking for a good utility to erase all hard drives
> in a machine to a DOD standard. I would prefer a
> FREE utility as this is a government agency and I try
> to keep costs down.

Check out Eraser (http://www.tolvanen.com/eraser/) for erasing files and
space and Autoclave (http://staff.washington.edu/jdlarios/autoclave/) for 
erasing the entire hd.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]     |     www.northernsecurity.net
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