> From: David Hayes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: Linux box as firewall

> I've got an old p150 with about 64Mb Ram hanging around that I'm going to
> set up as a firewall for when I get broadband. I have a few questions that
> hopefully somebody can answer
> 1. Whats the best distribution to use, I have had quite a bit of

Whatever distro you're most comfortable with. Really, any other answer is
just a religious preference; especially between different distros of linux.

> 2. I'll need a network card for the box, any reccomendations for a
> cheap(ish) card that will be easy to configure under linux

Does your system support PCI? If so, then you can pick up any of the cheap
netgear 10/100 cards; they even come with linux drivers and documentation. I
have a 486 I was using for the same purpose that needed ISA cards, and I had
a lot of luck with the cards from SOHOware (Used the NE2000 driver), but I
think they've stopped making them.

> 3. Until I get broadband I'll probably set it up so the Linux box dials my
> normal ISP, I've only got a cheap winmodem any reccomendations for a good
> modem to use with Linux

You could check out the linmodem project ( http://linmodem.org ), you might
find that you can get that winmodem working with linux after all.

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