I get many, many connection attempts (several per hour) to my small server
where a connection is attempted on port 137/UDP, followed 10-20 seconds
later by one or more attempts to connect on 1025/UDP and 1026/UDP  These
come from locations all over the world, and are coming at all times of the
day, including when our office is empty in the middle of the night.  Our
server only provides internal NAT-based internet sharing, we are not hosting
a web site or any other inernet services.  A typical sequence (from a Tiny
Software Personal Firewall log) is:

In UDP,>localhost:137
In UDP,>localhost:1026
In UDP,>localhost:1025
In UDP,>localhost:1026
In UDP,>localhost:1025
In UDP,>localhost:1026

I am trying to compile a report on the level of potentially hostile probing
that is being done to our internet connection.  Is this legitimate traffic?
What exactly is it, and what software is producing it?  I realize it is
NetBIOS related.

  Kent James

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