I would probably use WinVNC
Give the student the vncviewer program and install the server on the 
teachers computers. Can be passworded and restricted to certain IP 
addresses. If you use a program like reshack, you can make it so the 
student can only view.

>There is a student taking a computer programming class that has a vison 
>disability.  He has a school provided Win2K Pro laptop that has been 
>locked down very tightly...  This laptop was provided to him to make 
>learning easier for him.  However, there is one problem...  In order for 
>him to funtion effectively in class he will need to be able to see a 
>remote display of what his teacher is doing on her PC (which is hooked up 
>to an LCD projector) on the screen of his PC.  Is there a secure way of 
>accomplishing this feat without using any of a number of trojan horse programs?
>The network is Windows based instead of Novell, so ZENWorks is not an 
>Thanks for any help you can give in this!!!

Don't even go there

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