I find it really interesting that just because of a few generalizations (and
that's what they REALLY are) in this area people are ready to throw the baby
out with the bathwater before they've ever even tried any of these
supplementary solutions. I wonder, has anyone ever taken the locks off their
houses and cars just because they can be picked or slimjimmed? Hmm...Crypto
can be cracked, passwords can be shared and some really good social
engineering will get you just about anywhere. Are we REALLY that surprised
with all of this?

Fooling a reader is one thing, fooling the whole package is another.
Pointing me to an article written by someone with clear biases does not
convince me either. No security solution is foolproof, PERIOD. Under the
right circumstances, ANYTHING is possible. I guess I just don't know what
all the commotion is about.

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