Well, there's not a lot to go on, but here's what I can tell you by looking at the 

1) The subject looks a lot like someone is sending you the W32.KlezE worm.  See here 
for more information:


2) The From: (J.MARSHAK) is irrelevant.  Forging this is trivial.  If this is 
W32.KlezE, it's probably not even the originating address, so we'll disregard it for 

3) The only "real" information here can be found in the first Received: line.  Note 
the IP address:

This is the "address" of the machine which is originating these messages.  This cannot 
easily be forged or erased.  The only potential "gotcha" in the case of these 
originating addresses is if they are an RFC 1918 (private network) address.  These are 
addresses which begin with 192.168, 172.16, or 10.  You can find a full explanation of 
these addresses here:


If you _do_ see one of these private addresses, it's meaningless without getting 
additional information from the administrator of the network the machine is on (go 
down one or more Received: lines until you get a public IP address, then follow the 
same process as described below). is a public IP address, so first, we can find out who is responsbile 
for this network block using a whois query against whois.arin.net:

[begin WHOIS block]

simian!jeremy 23 $ whois -h whois.arin.net
University of Southern Mississippi (NET-USM)
   Box 10001
   Hattiesburg, MS 39406

   Netname: USM
   Netblock: -

      University of Southern Mississippi  (ZU66-ARIN)  usmtc@usm.

   Domain System inverse mapping provided by:


   Record last updated on 18-Oct-2001.
   Database last updated on  25-Jun-2002 20:00:18 EDT.

The ARIN Registration Services Host contains ONLY Internet
Network Information: Networks, ASN's, and related POC's.
Please use the whois server at rs.internic.net for DOMAIN related
Information and whois.nic.mil for NIPRNET Information.

[end WHOIS block]

No big surprise here.  The machine is directly or indirectly under the purview of USM.

If we do a traceroute to this machine, we get the following information (truncated for 

17 (  95.106 ms  94.528 ms  95.015 ms
18 (  97.577 ms  96.360 ms  98.707 ms
19 (  100.591 ms  97.032 ms  98.891 ms
20 (  102.044 ms  97.819 ms  96.604 ms
21 ( 382.436 ms   281.091 ms   278.937 ms

Note the substantial jump in response time between hop 20 and 21.  This could mean a 
number of things (a really busy connection, bad wiring, an ancient machine, a slow 
router, etc.), but based on the time jump, the best guess is that the machine is 
connecting to the network via modem.

Thus, here's where we're at with this.  A forged header, most likely a popular and 
quickly replicating worm for a payload, a modem user at a big land grant university, 
no easy to identify fingerprints, and approximately 13,000 potential suspects.

If you're really obsessed by this, send the header to one of the operations folks at 
USM.  There is enough information for a patient and sympathetic operator to trace this 
message back to a human being.  As for me, I get 10 of these worms a week.  I throw 
them away, and figure that I'll get something back in the future as karmic payment in 
the future for my time being wasted in the present.

Hope this was helpful


*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 6/24/2002 at 11:20 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Someone's been sending me these HTML type email with the IFRAME type tags.
>Here is one of the headers from the email. It seems that it is coming from
>some person with an account at USM.EDU named J.MARSHAK (all of the emails
>have the same type of heading). Can someone explained some, if not all of
>these heading information. (I purposely put [EMAIL PROTECTED] to hide my
>personal information.)
>Thank you in advance.
>Received: from ocean.otr.usm.edu ([]) by
>trinity.infinethosting.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.4905);
>        Mon, 24 Jun 2002 13:44:41 -0500
>Received: from Vcc ([])
>       by ocean.otr.usm.edu (8.11.6/8.11.6) with SMTP id g5OIgo231905
>       for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mon, 24 Jun 2002 13:42:55 -0500
>Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 13:42:55 -0500
>Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: tommyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: A special  nice game
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

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