The way L0phtcrack works is:  a simple dictionary attack, followed by an
appended dictionary attack (appending 1,2,3...etc to the ends of words), it
follows this with a brute force attack that is extremely fast.  It can crack
an 9 digit password with alpha,numeric, and symbols in less than 4 days on a
fast computer. ( the password tested was "1Dethmch^"). Tested on a 1 ghz AMD
with 500 megs of ram.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Srakkt-Hriarh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: L0phtcrack3 Metrics

> On Friday 21 June 2002 08:07 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > It is worthwhile to note that as a brute-force cracking tool, LC3 is
> > > going through all the possible password permutations within the
> > > searchspace regardless of case of the letters therein.  Indeed, if the
> > > attacker can limit the searchspace to all passwords containing only
> > > lowercase alphanumerics,
> >
> > This actually surprises me. I would expect that most attackers would try
> > dictionary and simple permutation scan first, and I would have expected
> > that most brute-force cracking tools would start with the 'easy' scans
> > (lower case only, lower case and numbers, mixed case and numbers) before
> > attempting the 500-times harder scan through every possible character.
> > Either my numbers are wrong, your understanding of l0phtcrack is wrong,
> > the guys at l0pht are stupid! I have to look into this!!
> In this case, it would seem that the second assertion is the accurate one.

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