
On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, David [iso-8859-1] Laganière wrote:

> Say an intruder connect himself to my wireless LAN, is there a way with
> a GPS and it's signal to know where he is physically? Where can I get
> more documentation on that?

since 802.11b (aka wavelan, wlan, airport network, etc.) uses spectrum
spreading techniques to improve general performance by avoiding
interference from wireless tv-cable transmitters, microwave ovens and any
other signals/noise that might influence the connection, it's rather
complicated to triangulate the position of the b4d b0yz with "traditional"
utilities for finding an interfering transmitter.

just an idea..

most access points support one or another form of displaying the signal
strengths of their clients for optimizing
you could try it by connecting a directional antenna to your access point
and pointing it out of windows, down the road, etc. (or just sweeping 360
degrees around a few times) to see if the wavelan signal coming from the
intruder gets stronger or weaker. mark this line on a map of your
campus/building/neighbourhood. we'll use this as the x-axis (just for
better understanding). then, if possible, move the access point to another
place about 50m/150ft to the side and 50m/150ft in the direction where the
intruder's signal seemed to come from. again, mark your position and the
direction of the best signal on the map. now (theoretically speaking) you
should have a point in the approximate area where the position of the
attacker might be.

when picking the best signal, be aware that trees, walls, any kind of
physical obstacle to the radio waves (even cardboard boxes and chicken
shacks) might weaken the signal strenght by quite a few percent. also make
sure that the intruder doesn't notice you running around with a
directional antenna and an access point. it might raise suspicion ;)

good luck,


 NOC Hamster       - Security Guy      - Owner of one, root of many
 Wieske's Crew KG  - http://irz42.net  - http://www.crew-kg.de
 Humboldtstr. 51   - Lessingstr. 2     - 22083 Hamburg - Germany

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