This thread has been dead for a few days, but I found an interesting
article that is somewhat related:

Executive summary:  A compromised box doesn't have to be listenting on
31337 (or another port) to be backdoored.  Some very interesting scenarios
can be imagined once a single box in your area is running something like
this.  This does not address the question of how to initially break into
the box to run the backdoor software (which, i believe, was part of the
original question), very interesting nevertheless.

And while I'm on the air, for those interested in reducing exposure to
thier packet filtering or proxy firewall might be interested in setting up
a bridged firewall.  More info is available here:

and feel free to contact me offlist with any questions. :)

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
--gill  | Tatu Ylonen, SSH 1.2.12 README:  "Beware that the most effective
        | way for someone to decrypt your data may be with a rubber hose."

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