Well I found a kludge to this whole winupdate mess. You kind of need a
'test' machine. As I think this might just hose the update path that MS
follows on it. I haven't investigated further, but I recall a local file or
reg option for tracking updates. Anyway, here is the plan for getting the
files for corporate update win98 clients:

1) Go to winupdate.microsoft.com
2) start downloading the critical updates.
3) Run run as fast as you can to windows explorer :)
4) c:\Program files\windowsUpdate\
5) You will see folders for each update being downloaded (press F5 to
6) Copy the folders to another location
7) When windows update install the updates, it REMOVES them as it goes!
8) I'm not sure if canceling the install after the download will keep them
on the hard drive. (I got a phone call and missed the chance :)  )

I could find no temp files created during the install. I actually have the
IP addresses of where the files came from, but no the path to them. I will
research further. 

Big thanks to sysinternals.com for the great utilities to track this stuff

All this for a 164k file called vm-sfix3.exe 

The main problem is MS isn't updating this page anymore:
So it looks like the date of july/2003 for the cutoff of Win98 support is
kind of bogus.

However I did find this direct link method:
You can just change the MS ref number and get to the direct download page
for that update. IF it exhists!!! Q329077 doesn't exist! *sigh*

I hope this helps some people. 

The following is a rant I couldn't resist:
IF anyone from MS reads this, how can you hope to start marketing yourself
as now having security in mind? You are slow to respond to vulnerabilities.
You are slow to patch. You then offer admins who have TONS of 98 users only
one method to update (unless I pay for another service). XP has issues as
well with service packs and updates. Take any linux patch or update. I can
download exactly what I'm looking for from about 6-10 different places. 

Sorry I needed that. I feel better now :)

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