Hi everyone,

We are a small company with a single web server and a few NT/2000 
servers.  I am looking for recommendations on what software or service to 
use to do vulnerability scans/assessments so I can be sure I am keeping up 
with all my patches and configuration changes, etc.  I don't have much of a 
budget so I am looking for products geared towards smaller companies.  I 
have tried the QualysGuard service from Qualys and also looked at N-Stealth 
from N-Stalker but would love to know what others recommend.

Thanks in advance,


Kevin Bachelder

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer - Windows NT 4.0 (MCSE)
Microsoft Certified Professional - Windows 2000 (MCP)
Citrix Certified Administrator (CCA)
CompTIA A+ Certified Computer Repair Technician (A+)

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