   I have been having a few issues with a Windows NT system and the 
mountain of insecurities associated. I am now looking at alternative 
solutions that should help secure the system.

   The best thought I have come up with so far is to put the Windows NT 
Server with MS Sql on it behind a Linux box. But, also removing the 
internet ip addressing of the Windows NT server and giving it local ip 
addressing. IE moving from 61.X.X.X to 192.168.X.X.

   The Windows NT Server is mainly used on ports 919, 1433, and 3140. 
Does anyone see a problem installing Port Forwarding on the Linux box 
redirecting these ports. With the added defence of an IP Tables 
firewall this should remove almost all possibilities to exploit the 
server providing the Linux server is not breached.

    I still wish to run the security updates on the Windows NT Server 
and the MS SQL Server however i need a long term solution which will 
resolve the difficulties that we are currently experiencing.

    So what do you think ??


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