On Friday 04 Oct 2002 2:28 am, Sleepy_all_day wrote:
> Peoples,
>    I have been having a few issues with a Windows NT system and the
> mountain of insecurities associated. I am now looking at alternative
> solutions that should help secure the system.

There is no difference between a properly configured windows PC and a 
properly configured Linux (or any other OS) PC. Install all patches, remove 
all unwanted (unnecessary) software and remove all unnecessary services. This 
applies to ANY system, and is possible on ANY system. Don't do this on ANY 
system and they are insecure.

Next, secure the filesystem with appropriate Access Control. Again applies to 
ANY system. The mountain of insecurities are normally exploited because the 
insecure applications are being run when not needed on systems that haven't 
been configured in the most appropriate way for their use. Sometimes they are 
not even running, just there - a malicious user can then run and exploit the 
application if they gain access through some other place even though you 
yourself may have no need of it.

>    The best thought I have come up with so far is to put the Windows NT
> Server with MS Sql on it behind a Linux box. But, also removing the
> internet ip addressing of the Windows NT server and giving it local ip
> addressing. IE moving from 61.X.X.X to 192.168.X.X.

Linux too has it's insecurities (yes, mountains of them!) - they tend to be 
patched quicker, but they are there. You have many problems here that simply 
port redirecting using another potentially misconfigured server is not going 
to solve. The linux box needs to be adequately secured in the same way that 
the NT server needs to be. 

>    The Windows NT Server is mainly used on ports 919, 1433, and 3140.
> Does anyone see a problem installing Port Forwarding on the Linux box
> redirecting these ports. With the added defence of an IP Tables
> firewall this should remove almost all possibilities to exploit the
> server providing the Linux server is not breached.

I can't see what that will achieve. You are simply going to pass a malicious 
request to the open ports straight through the linux box and onto the server. 
The server will respond in exactly the same way as it would for a direct 
connection. Even if you have also placed egress filtering on the Linux 
firewall (and that won't stop everything as I've just learnt :]) you are 
still going to be in trouble.

For example, I want to attempt to connect to the database using username="sa" 
and a blank password (M$ nice default). All I need is a copy of query 
analyzer and your IP address. I connect to your SQL port on the linux box 
which scratches its head and says "Ooo. Better forward this to the SQL 
server, I have a rule for that.". The SQL server sees a request from query 
analyser and, provided username and password are valid, authenticates the 
user. I now have a connection *through* your linux box to your NT server. The 
linux box may as well not be there. This solution doesn't stop anything. It 
just means you have potentially 2 hosts to compromise, possibly halving the 
work the attacker has to do.

>     I still wish to run the security updates on the Windows NT Server
> and the MS SQL Server however i need a long term solution which will
> resolve the difficulties that we are currently experiencing.

I personally think that your architecture is fundamentally flawed in many 
ways. The SQL box should NEVER be visible from the internet. There is no 
need. Wrap it using a properly designed web application (removing the sample 
directories, etc.) on a properly configured web server (lots of articles on 
this - g00gle is everyone's friend!). Have the SQL server on a separate box 
if possible where only the web application can talk to it, and then use 
stored procedures (properly designed) to connect from the web application to 
the SQL database.  That way you can simply do port forwarding for port 80 and 
block the SQL ports. More work, but if properly designed infinitely more 
secure in my opinion.

>     So what do you think ??

If you don't know by now :)

I'm sure I'm off the mark on some points, hell I may even have 
misinterpretted some of your comments, but this is my 2cents.


sigsegv in MikeysCerebellum ... core dumped

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