Greetings to all.  I have came across a problem.  My scenario appears to be
complicated as I can't find referrences in any of my books to this setup.

I have:

DSL Modem 
External IP x.x.x.x
Internal IP

MS ISA firewall 

Here's the problem.  The MS ISA server is in it's own AD Forest and it has a
one-way trust to an internal domain on net ID

Firewall has its domain name with its own DNS server

Internal network has its own DNS server.

Should I use one DNS server for both domain names?  Or should I somehow use
the two DNS servers for each domain?  Each domain is running in its own AD
Domain and should have a DNS server.

Is there a security issue with this setup?  I'm not even sure if my ISP can
forward data to my firewall for two different domains.

Each domain name is registered with Internic.  What makes it a bit more
confusing is that my DSL provider where I'm at doesn't assign external
addresses.  So, only my DSL modem has an external address.  The cheap DSL
modem has no features, so I'm assuming all queries simply get passed along to
whatever's on the inside?

|DSL Modem Speedstream| 
|MS ISA Proxy|
|More servers    |
|published apps  |
|Email - web etc.| 

I'm considering, perhaps, replacing the cheezy DSL Modem with something from
CISCO that may give me options that will allow me to work with this scenario?

Thank you very much for any advice that any of you may have.  This has gone
beyond annoying but has grown into sleepless nights.

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