On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 18:15, John Orr wrote:
>   Personally, I think he is full of... hot air.  
>   Bits are either "on" or "off", "1" or "0".  If you change that pattern (i.e. write 
>over the same data area with a different sequence of bits), then the previous state 
>of that field would not be determinable.  Granted, there may be some residual 
>magnetic field left on a particular area that is now "0" that had been "1", but the 
>converse would not be true.  There would be no residual field to read on an area that 
>is now "1" that had been "0".  

Apologies if I'm talking out of my nether regions, but (looking at it
superficicially) I wouldn't have thought that storing/reading a magnetic
impulse would be quite as clear cut as zeroes and ones. I'd have thought
that some fuzzy interpretation was required ie, x to y is the normal
range taken to represent a zero, a to b to represent a one. In this
case, it's entirely possible that, for a known drive with known
parameters, it *may* be possible to say "yes, that's a one but it's
slightly higher than normal so it may have been a one previously as

This is, of course, nothing more than utter speculation from someone who
knows nothing about it ;-)


33 Shines

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