According to one CISSP study guide...

The most accepted (for users) forms of biometric devices are these, with number one being the most accepted:

Iris Scan (don't need to get as close to the device as a retina scan)
Keystroke dynamics
Signature dynamics
Voice verification
Facial Recognition
Palm scan
Hand geometry
Retina pattern

And now ordered by effectiveness (as measured by accuracy), with number one being the most accurate:

Palm scan
Hand geometry
Iris scan
Retina pattern
Voice verification
Facial recognition
Signature dynamics
Keystroke dynamics

On Wednesday, November 6, 2002, at 11:27 AM, Felix Cuello wrote:

Hello list!

I will work in a project where phisical security will be based on
biometrics, in fact only will be based on fingerprints biometric.

How secure are fingerprints?, what biometric are more secure? (voice,
eye, ??? what else).

I'm not a security expert :-)

Thanks a lot,

[my english is bad... please sorry :-)]

Felix Cuello

Av.Santa Fe 882 P.13 Of. "E"
C.P. ABP1059C
Tel.: (54) 011 - 4312-1698
Buenos Aires - Argentina

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