I would like to get feedback on the quality/usefulness
of email content monitoring tools available on the

Our problem: We need to identify users and monitor
email content (scary) as some staff are sending
"gossip" to the press about our public internet system
reliability, pending IPO gossip / info etc. which then
escalates to professional bodies / governments whom in
turn start formal investigations - all over an
email!!! (we are a financial company).

Our mail systems are predominately MS Exchange 2000.
We are reviewing some software solutions at the moment
to increase our logging of what email is going
out/content etc. The volume of email is stagering and
should the "bad" users be technically savvy, there
seems to be no real way of catching said users who
breach our security policy. Additionaly, how well do
these systems work by catching key words? 

I recently heard of a new technology that seems
smarter than just key word searches but havent been
able to track it down to-date.

If anybody could recommend any solutions/feedback on
this issue it would be very helpful to us. 

Many thanks


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