
After conducting a thorough research with Google etc. I would like to ask
you for some help.

In Slovenia we are introducing some postgraduate programes in information
security from both technical and managerial perspective.

We are looking for any similar programes in Europe/US or other parts of the
World that are being taught at the university level.

I would be most grateful for any links of university departments, your personal
experiences or ideas. At the moment we found only few courses specialised
in Information Security.

Many thanks for your help in advance,


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mag. Aleksander Šinigoj, Palsit d.o.o., informacijska varnost, information security, Mednarodni prehod 8, SI-5290 Šempeter pri Gorici, Slovenia T: + 386 0 (5) 393 22 50, + 386 (0) 41338575, F: + 386 (0) 5 3932269 e-posta: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.palsit.com, ISO 17799 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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