Adobe pdf can do this as well.

At 07:23 PM 3/17/2003 +0100, you wrote:

Today at the Cebit I saw a product by a company called airzip called
document secure that let's you contol the access rights on a document
level. You can allow a person to only view a document. The person then
will not be possible to print it or save it somewhere if you don't allow
it. The product basically creates a wrapper around the doc that stores
this info. If you have extremly sensitive information you might use a
tool like this to prevent this documents to be walked out of your
systems on disk, USB sticks or paper.

On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 01:17, Philip Storry wrote:
> Hello discipulus,
> Thursday, March 13, 2003, 3:13:44 AM, you wrote:
> d> I've read about corporate espionage cases where a perpetrator
> d> at one company busts into the network of another company and
> d> stumbles into a directory named "Proposals" of all things but
> d> employees who walk out the front doors carrying protected information
> d> seems just as damaging or more so to me.
> There's not much that you can practically do here, I think.
> The problem is that although there are many good technical and
> procedural methods of ensuring that only authorised people have access
> to your systems - and therefore your information - there are few
> technical or procedural things you can (realistically) do to control
> what those authorised people do with the information they have access
> to.
> Content security systems (like Mimesweeper) can check outbound emails,
> and block anything that contains project codenames. But that won't
> stop someone printing it out and putting the paper in their briefcase.
> Because this is such a low-tech crime, you're left with policy and
> procedure as your only tools.
> You should consider making it policy that information does not leave
> your sites, without written permission from a senior person. This will
> cause trouble for those that telework, however. You could also brief
> security staff on what to look for - keep them appraised of new
> storage media (like those nifty USB pen drives), and give them the
> authority to do random stop and search jobs.
> Make sure that all emails and documents have - by policy - a
> boilerplate on them saying who owns that intellectual property. Tacky,
> but it might be useful in a court of law - and it reminds employees of
> the stark reality.
> All of these safeguards (except boilerplating, which could be enforced
> via templates etc.) are the sort of things people get complacent on
> very quickly, because they stand in the way of people working. Within
> six months of implementing them, senior people will be signing off
> that John Smith can take home "anything relating to projects X, Y and
> Z" simply because they don't want to sign it off three times - even
> though John Smith doesn't actually work on Y and Z.
> So really, the only defence against this is contractual. All employees
> must sign an NDA, stating that they will not divulge proprietary
> intellectual property. Make them sign it, and understand why they are
> signing it. Don't make it too draconian - you don't need the ability
> to search their home, for instance. (That's what law enforcement
> agencies are for.) But you should make it clear that if they steal,
> they'll be sued. Having to spend that pay rise you got when switching
> jobs on legal fees is not an attractive proposition.
> Finally, it should be pointed out that many companies won't actually
> accept stolen IP, because it's a legal minefield. But NDA's make it
> difficult for both the person acting as a conduit as well as the
> ultimate recipient, and may make employees who were only casually
> thinking about it think twice.
> Nothing, however, will stop the determined person who's miffed at the
> company and leaving for a competitor. Nothing except the competitor's
> honesty and their own legal team's advice, anyway. :-)
> --
> Best regards,
>  Philip                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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