
I think you misunderstand the point. You can still run IDS and other
tools to monitor "hacking" attempts. I read Tervor's email as
you can not use the logs of proxy server to point out people using
the web for "the likes of visiting porn sites or recieving emails whilst
at work. 

Which is still a grey area in Australia. There have been a couple of
court cases reinstating employees for receiving porn in their emails or
visiting porn sites. 


> They should also include firewalls and Cisco ACLs.
> EU better not complain when their systems are compromised...
> >There has been a bit of publicity lately that new EU legislation would
> >make it illegal to monitor email content, run an IDS system and watch
> >web activity.
> >
> >I have looked through the various acts in place but cannot see anything
> >specific.
> >
> >Has anyone heard more or does anyone have a few URLs that might give
> >more details on these 'rumours'
> >
> >Many thanks
> >Trevor Cushen

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