On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 09:22:07AM +1000, Kevin Saenz wrote:
> Jacob,
> I think you misunderstand the point. You can still run IDS and other
> tools to monitor "hacking" attempts. I read Tervor's email as
> you can not use the logs of proxy server to point out people using
> the web for "the likes of visiting porn sites or recieving emails whilst
> at work. 
> Which is still a grey area in Australia. There have been a couple of
> court cases reinstating employees for receiving porn in their emails or
> visiting porn sites. 
About the only thing you can probably do is keep firewalling. I'm prety
sure if you search there are some prety good ones out there for what you
need as it is always a growing concern among corperations

Jerry M. Howell II

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