
Have you tryed PGP ? It work greak with Outlook. 
Here i am using Kmail on KDE and RedHat, and GPG is working fine with me.

Unless you want to deploy a PKI. 

What are your needs ?.. Only a signature system ? With how many client? or 


On Wednesday 23 July 2003 04:05, Ronish Mehta wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm looking for a solution to encrypt my mails and to
> ensure that they have not been tampered with.
> VeriSign offers such a solution through its Go Secure
> solution
> I'm looking for solution that are easy to deploy from
> clients perspective
> (a) Anyone already using GOSecure, and any comments
> about it (if this is allowed on the list..)
> (b) Any other products that you are using out there
> (commercial or freeware)
> (c) Any security flaws in using solutions for mail
> encyption
> Thanks
> P.S. I;m using Exchange server 5.5 currently, will
> migrate to Exchange 2000 soon...


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