On Tue, 05 Aug 2003 17:12:53 -0500
John Jairo Florez Torres <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Hi.
> I would thanks information about security in Linux:
> 1. Securing a linux server (specially Redhat). Installing and administering
> a linux server in a secure form

 Redhat itself posts security documentation with every release. For
the most recent see the following link. (this is mostly in general)

 For a more indepth idea of security see an old but (mostly) still applicable
book/paper called Securing & Optimizing linux
Neither is a definitive guide to security, only a great place to start.

> 2. Why is linux more secure than windows

 This is debatable but in my opnion because if the machines job is just to be a 
squid server (for instance) why does it need IE, RPC, netbios, etc, etc.
all software is insecure to some degree so why not lessen the chances by installing
less software?

> 3. Securying Squid
> Thanks a lot
> JohnF
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