Brad, Pavel, Andrew,

I'm also not comfortable with this test, but what bothers me more than the reliance on an external server is the reliance on cacerts. While cacerts (or equivalent) is not part of OpenJDK I don't think it makes sense adding a test to OpenJDK that has a reliance on it.

For now I think is makes more sense to add a test like this to wherever in the build process cacerts (or equivalent) is added.


Andrew John Hughes wrote:
On 18 March 2010 18:40, Brad Wetmore <> wrote:
I have a couple important tasks to finish ASAP, so if there is more
discussion, I'll have to jump in sometime next week, but wanted to add
one thing before anything was done:

Pavel wrote:
And we can use other URL if is problematic.
We've tried to limit the reliance on servers outside our control for the
open tests and to be as self-contained as possible, tho I'm sure there
are still some tests that do this anyway.  IMHO, it's not exactly
neighborly of OpenJDK to include tests that just bang on someone's
server(s) for "testing", even if the volume isn't terribly high.  I
think we should check with the server's admin before we included such a
test in the general repository.

In the past we've also had transient network errors (servers or network
down), so that was another reason to limit our external dependencies.
But they still had to be investigated and took time. seems an
appropriate URL to hit.  It's the very URL that causes the OpenJDK
build to fail to bootstrap itself and I assume Oracle do control to some degree.


On 3/18/2010 8:50 AM, Pavel Tisnovsky wrote:
Christopher Hegarty -Sun Microsystems Ireland wrote:
Alan Bateman wrote:
Pavel Tisnovsky wrote:

please review new regression test for* API. This test
check if the cacerts keytool database is configured properly and SSL
is really working. The test should not fail if SSL is working (in
other case it simply throws IOException). Webrev si available at

Thanks in advance
Pavel Tisnovsky
I suspect the dependency on will be problematic.  Isn't
SSL already covered by the and https tests?
I'm not sure what the prime motivation of the test is. Pavel, can you
please elaborate?

Reading between the lines I guess the test is verifying that the
correct  root Certification Authority is installed in cacerts, i.e.
the cert from can be validated.
Hi Chris, you guessed correctly :-) And we can use other URL if is problematic.

Alan is correct there are already tests for SSL/Https in,
but I believe these use self signed certs, no dependency on cacerts.



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