On 04/26/2016 12:27 PM, Bradford Wetmore wrote:

On 4/25/2016 11:25 PM, Wang Weijun wrote:

On Apr 26, 2016, at 8:48 AM, Bradford Wetmore
<bradford.wetm...@oracle.com> wrote:

but the runtime "Health Testing" I was talking about is in the
diagram of Section 7, and details in section 11.3:

I haven't touched this area yet.

If you think it's necessary, I would like to add the test inside the
static <clinit> block of AbstractDrbg$SeederHolder. The test will be
on Hash_DRBG/SHA-256 and whatever mech/algorithm defined by
securerandom.drbg.config (They are the same by default). The test will
be in the same thread (otherwise I don't know how to report an error).
If it fails, a RuntimeException will be thrown.

Please read over this section, but I *THINK* you are supposed to run a
known-answer test on each SecureRandom instance created, not just the
single one used as a seeder during <clinit>:

     Known-answer tests shall be conducted on each DRBG function within
     a boundary or sub-boundary prior to the first use of that DRBG
     (e.g., during the power-on self-testing sequence).

Which may mean that you'll need a known-answer test for each
configuration type.  Unless I'm interpreting this wrong.

I have not read the spec, but this sounds like something when FIPS is enabled, not during normal operation. Are you sure a POST is required during normal usage?


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