New webrev:

On 8/10/2016 11:19 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
Hi Brad,

Looks pretty good. You should also send this to build-dev to review the
Makefile changes. Just a few comments:

- src/java.base/share/conf/security/policy/README.txt

17 contain no restrictions on cryptographic strengths, but they must

s/must/must be/


18 specifically activated by updating the "crypto.policy" entry in the

s/entry/Security property/

Ok.  I've updated to:

specifically activated by updating the "crypto.policy" Security property
(e.g. <java-home>/conf/security/ to point to the appropriate directory.

33 Please see The Java(TM) Cryptography Architecture (JCA) Reference

Is "TM" really necessary here?

It was required in previous versions of the unlimited crypto policy bundle. We could run it by PM if you feel we should.


1 // Manufacturing policy file.

The term "Manufacturing" is odd. Can we just say this is the "Default
local policy file"?


- src/java.base/share/conf/security/

854 crypto.policy=policydir-tbd

The policydir-tbd value is a little confusing in that it isn't a real
value. What about just setting this to the empty string?

It's a similar marker for the string replacement like was done for security.provider.tbd. I could change it to be delineated with <>: "<policydir-tbd>" if you like?

- src/java.base/share/classes/javax/crypto/

 255         String cryptoPolicyDir =
 256         Path cryptoPolicyPath = Paths.get(cryptoPolicyDir);

What happens if crypto.policy is not set or is set to ""?

Good catch. Not set would NPE, "" would simply look at <java-home>/conf/security/policy and fail to iterate the directory if no files were actually there. I've added code for both those conditions, and also switched to use Path.resolve().

302             // I/O error encounted during the iteration,





On 08/04/2016 03:35 PM, Bradford Wetmore wrote:

The proposal is to move the configuration files from the jar files in
<java-home>/lib/security to a series of subdirectories under a new
"policy" subdirectory in <java-home>/conf/security.  Each subdirectory
within that directory will represent a complete policy configuration.
The existing jar files will be split into flat text files such that the
current/existing policies remain.

The default set of policy files (i.e. directory) is configured using a
new property called "crypto.policy" which will be
added to the <java-home>/conf/security/ file.  The default
initial options are "limited" or "unlimited", however additional
directories could potentially be created that specify other
as-yet-unknown policies.

The default value of this property will be "limited" which corresponds
to our current policy for JRE/JDK export/import around the world.
However, the build respects the following "configure" option:

                        Enable unlimited crypto policy [disabled]

Within the directory, our implementation will look for files using the
standard filename prefix above ("default_" or "exempt_"), thus new
additional policy restrictions/abstractions can be added with a simple
file addition.


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