Hi Martin,

Thank you for considering to make the improvement in this update.

The use of synchronizedMap may hurt the performance. I may prefer to use ConcurrentHashMap and its computeIfAbsent​() method. (Read more, this map may be not necessary)

 621     interface CipherGenerator {
Could this interface be private? (Read more, this interface may be not necessary)

 592         if (rcg != null && wcg != null) {
Per the current implementation, checking read or write cipher generator is sufficient. If you want to check the read one only, there is no need to declare the CipherGenerator any more (line 621). It could be placed in ReadCipherGenerator. (Read more, may not need to update ReadCipherGenerator)

 589-597     boolean supports(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) {
Together with the CipherGenerator interface, the logic of this block is actually about the transformation, not really about the cipher generator. Is it simpler to check the transformation directly?

If we could check the transformation directly, it might be better to have the check in the SSLCipher constructors, using immutable enum field.

Putting them together:

    private SSLCipher(String transformation,
      this.isAvailable =
-         allowed && isUnlimited(keySize, transformation);
+         allowed && isUnlimited(keySize, transformation) &&
+         isAvailable(transformation);

+   private static boolean isAvailable(String transformation) {
+      if (!transformation.equals("NULL")) {
+          ...  // check the instance
+      } else {
+          ...
+      }
+   }

 382    if (!suite.supports(protocol) ||
-383            !suite.bulkCipher.supports(protocol)) {
+383            !suite.isAvailable()) {

BTW, the coding style looks a little bit uncommon to me (May not need this block, anyway just for your consideration).

 631   } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchPaddingException e) {
 632   }
 633   cipherAlgorithms.put(algorithm, false);

Would you mind if not using blank catch block?
 631   } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchPaddingException e) {
+          cipherAlgorithms.put(algorithm, false);
+          if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) {
+              ...
+          }
 632   }
-633   cipherAlgorithms.put(algorithm, false);

Thanks & Regards,

On 5/27/2019 2:00 PM, Martin Balao wrote:
Hi Xuelei,

Thanks to you for raising these concerns and providing your feedback.

On 5/24/19 7:47 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
Good, I have no further comment for this update.  Please go ahead.

I think there is a possible improvement by calling
Cipher.getInstance(algorithm) only one time for each transformation
algorithm.  But may not worthy as the duplicated transformation
algorithm number is still small.  I'm fine if you want to leave it as it

Yes, I agree on both statements: there can be an improvement there but
it won't be significant. Here it's Webrev.02:

  * http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mbalao/webrevs/8223482/8223482.webrev.02/

At Webrev.02, Cipher.getInstance results are cached so we don't need to
create instances unnecessary.

Benchmarks do not show any significant performance increase nor decrease
compared to Webrev.01:

Benchmark                                      (testMode)   Mode  Cnt
  Score     Error  Units
SupportedCiphersuites.test_TLS12Communication        FIPS  thrpt   10
167.393 ±  35.659  ops/s
SupportedCiphersuites.test_TLS12Communication    NON_FIPS  thrpt   10
593.441 ± 110.044  ops/s

FIPS_with_8223482_webrev02.txt average: 396.86
NON_FIPS_with_8223482_webrev02.txt average: 888.05

Are you okay to go with Webrev.02?

Kind regards,

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