Hello Sean,

Thank you for the link. I’ll follow it to create CSR

I could not find any clear document or specification for this Channel Binding 
The only document I found that describes this format is the following:
So, it is hard to say - is it a standard or Microsoft implementation specific


> On 9 Jun 2020, at 18:35, Sean Mullan <sean.mul...@oracle.com> wrote:
> On 6/8/20 5:33 PM, Alexey Bakhtin wrote:
>> Hello Sean,
>> Yes, I think we'll need CSR and release notes as soon as this patch adds new 
>> property.
>> I do not know exact process for it, so I will be grateful if you could 
>> explain me exact steps.
> The CSR process is documented at 
> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/csr/Main. It should be fairly 
> self-explanatory but let me know if you have questions.
> For the release note, we can tackle that later once the CSR is approved now I 
> have tagged the issue with the "release-note=yes" label so we don't forget it.
>> This patch was developed to address compatibility issue with new LDAP 
>> authentication over SSL/TLS announced by Microsoft [1]. It is not related to 
>> RFC 5801. In my opinion “com.sun.jndi.ldap.tls.cbtype” name looks more 
>> suitable for this property and should allow backport it to early JDK 
>> versions.
> Good point about backporting.
> What RFC or specification defines the format you are using for the channel 
> binding in TlsChannelBinding.java, specifically where the type prefix is 
> encoded as "tls-server-end-point:" followed by the binding data? I have 
> looked through various RFCs but I can't find exactly where this format is 
> defined, so I am wondering if this is a standard encoding or not.
> Thanks,
> Sean
>> [1] - 
>> https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/4034879/how-to-add-the-ldapenforcechannelbinding-registry-entry
>> Regards
>> Alexey
>>> On 8 Jun 2020, at 22:03, Sean Mullan <sean.mul...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>> (resending to all lists on the review)
>>> I'm just catching up a bit on this review.
>>> Sorry if this has mentioned before, but are you planning to write a CSR and 
>>> release note? I think this is needed for the com.sun.jndi.ldap.tls.cbtype 
>>> property. I'm also wondering if this property should be documented in the 
>>> javadocs, and why it is not a standard property (i.e. 
>>> "java.naming.ldap.tls.cbtype").
>>> I was also wondering what relation this has to the "G2" standard SASL 
>>> mechanisms defined in RFC 5801 [1], and whether that is something we should 
>>> be using to negotiate this channel binding, and if not, why not. Or if this 
>>> is something that is implementation-specific and will only work with 
>>> Microsoft LDAP technology, in which case, we might want to make that more 
>>> explicit, perhaps by including "microsoft" or something like that in the 
>>> property name.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sean
>>> [1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5801
>>> On 6/8/20 9:07 AM, Aleks Efimov wrote:
>>>> Hi Alexey,
>>>> I've looked through LdapCtx/LdapClient/SaslBind changes:
>>>> Do we need to check if CHANNEL_BINDING is set explicitly for all 
>>>> connection types? Maybe we can move the check inside 'if (conn.sock 
>>>> instanceof SSLSocket) {' block.
>>>> Also, instead of setting CHANNEL_BINDING in context environment and then 
>>>> removing it in finally block, it would be better to clone the environment, 
>>>> put calculated CHANNEL_BINDING into it, and pass the cloned one to 
>>>> Sasl.createSaslClient.
>>>> Another suggestion about the code that verifies if both properties are set 
>>>> before connection is started:
>>>> As you've already mentioned the new code in LdapCtx is only needed for 
>>>> checking if timeout is set. Could we try to remove LdapCtx::cbType field 
>>>> and all related methods from LdapCtx (this class is already 
>>>> over-complicated and hard to read) and replace it with some static method 
>>>> in LdapSasl? It will help to localize all changes to LdapSasl except for 
>>>> one line in LdapCtx.
>>>> I mean something like this:
>>>> Replace
>>>> +
>>>> +            // verify LDAP channel binding property
>>>> +            if (cbType != null && connectTimeout == -1)
>>>> +                    throw new 
>>>> NamingException(TlsChannelBinding.CHANNEL_BINDING_TYPE +
>>>> +                            " property requires " +
>>>> +                            CONNECT_TIMEOUT +
>>>> +                            " property is set.");
>>>> With
>>>> + 
>>>> LdapSasl.checkCbParameters((String)envprops.get(TlsChannelBinding.CHANNEL_BINDING_TYPE),
>>>>  connectTimeout);
>>>> And add something like that to LdapSasl (or maybe pass the full env here):
>>>> + public static void checkCbParameters(String cbTypePropertyValue, int 
>>>> connectTimeout) throws NamingException {
>>>> +     TlsChannelBindingType cbType = 
>>>> TlsChannelBinding.parseType(cbTypePropertyValue);
>>>> +     // verify LDAP channel binding property
>>>> +     if (cbType != null && connectTimeout == -1) {
>>>> +         throw new NamingException(TlsChannelBinding.CHANNEL_BINDING_TYPE 
>>>> +
>>>> +                 " property requires com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout" +
>>>> +                 " property is set.");
>>>> +     }
>>>> + }
>>>> Other LdapCtx/LdapClient/SaslBind  changes look fine to me.
>>>> With Kind Regards,
>>>> Aleksei
>>>> On 06/06/2020 20:45, Alexey Bakhtin wrote:
>>>>> Hello Max, Daniel,
>>>>> Thank you for review.
>>>>> Please review new version of the patch :
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~abakhtin/8245527/webrev.v5/
>>>>> In this version:
>>>>> - TlsChannelBinding class is moved into the com.sun.jndi.ldap.sasl package
>>>>> - SSL Ceritificate related code is moved from LdapClient  into the 
>>>>> LdapSasl.saslBind method
>>>>> - verification and removal of internal property is also moved to 
>>>>> LdapSasl.saslBind method
>>>>> - verification of connectTimeout property is moved to LdapCtx.connect. 
>>>>> I’ve found that connectionTimeout could be assigned later then cbType
>>>>> The test for this issue is not ready yet. I did not find any suitable 
>>>>> test case that can be reused.
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> Alexey
>>>>>> On 6 Jun 2020, at 09:44, Weijun Wang <weijun.w...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Jun 6, 2020, at 2:41 PM, Weijun Wang <weijun.w...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Jun 5, 2020, at 11:03 PM, Alexey Bakhtin <ale...@azul.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello Max,
>>>>>>>> Thank you a lot for review.
>>>>>>>> Could you check the new version of the patch :
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~abakhtin/8245527/webrev.v4/
>>>>>>>> I’ve made the following changes:
>>>>>>>> - TlsChannelBinding class is moved to java.naming module.
>>>>>>>> java.security.sasl module is not affected any more
>>>>>>>> - I pass tlsCB.getData() directly to the SASL mechanism as you 
>>>>>>>> suggested
>>>>>>>> - I’ve made some guards to prevent application from using 
>>>>>>>> "com.sun.security.sasl.tlschannelbinding” property directly:
>>>>>>>>     - LdapClient verifies if internal property is not set
>>>>>>> 245                     // Prepare TLS Channel Binding data
>>>>>>> 246                     if (conn.sock instanceof SSLSocket) {
>>>>>>> 247                         // Internal property cannot be set 
>>>>>>> explicitly
>>>>>>> 248                         if 
>>>>>>> (env.get(TlsChannelBinding.CHANNEL_BINDING) != null) {
>>>>>>> 249                             throw new 
>>>>>>> NamingException(TlsChannelBinding.CHANNEL_BINDING +
>>>>>>> 250                                     " property cannot be set 
>>>>>>> explicitly");
>>>>>>> 251                         }
>>>>>>> If not TLS, this property value be kept there and visible inside the 
>>>>>>> SASL mech.
>>>>>>>>     - GssKrb5Client uses props.remove() to read and remove internal 
>>>>>>>> property
>>>>>> Maybe you can remove the value in LdapClient.java, in case the mech used 
>>>>>> is not GSSAPI. You can remove it in a finally block after line 303.
>>>>>> --Max
>>>>>>> Traditionally, we use "com.sun..." name which is a JDK supported name 
>>>>>>> (although not at Java SE level), you might want to use a name which is 
>>>>>>> even more internal.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Max
>>>>>>> p.s. I see that NTLM also supports ChannelBinding. I'll see if I can 
>>>>>>> improve the NTLM SASL mech to support it.

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