On Fri, 8 Jan 2021 14:06:18 GMT, Martin Balao <mba...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> So, after this PKCS11 session failed with an error, you can continue using 
>> it, say give it another byte[] and it would continue to work as if the 
>> earlier failed call never happened? I have not really tried it and thought 
>> that this session is unusable due to the combination of an existing error 
>> (say some exception happened during the encrypt update call) and active 
>> operation state.
> Yes, that's right: you can use the session to continue the same operation. In 
> fact, there is a pattern -also used in some Windows API functions- that you 
> send an output buffer of length 0, you get a CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL error and 
> the buffer size that would have been required; and you make a second call 
> with the right buffer size. This pattern is used from the OpenJDK native 
> library that communicates with the PKCS#11 lib. Some types of errors (those 
> that do not free the context) are not fatal. The problem is that we end up 
> returning a session to the Session Manager and we try to use the session to 
> initialize a different operation, while the previous is still active.

The double-call-query usage pattern is well documented in the PKCS#11 spec. So, 
there is no ambiguity there. As for what PKCS11 errors are fatal and the 
resulting session state seems to be a gray area. Anyway, I agree that defensive 
cancelling this to work with all PKCS11 library is good so to ensure subsequent 
operations using the reused session work.

I can't think of other better terms. Fine with me to just use "leak" w/ your 
analogy explanation.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1901

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