On Mon, 12 Apr 2021 17:29:55 GMT, Sean Mullan <mul...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I added the new lines as `@implNote` and kept the old `@implSpec` there 
>> (since it's still a requirement for implementations). New commit pushed. CSR 
>> updated as well.
> Ok, I understand now. I think `@implSpec` (and probably the `@implNote`) are 
> in the wrong class. `@implSpec`  means the implementation of this class. But 
> this class is final and does not contain that logic. The logic of 
> specifying/returning the defaults is in the JDK (XMLDSig provider) 
> implementation of `SignatureMethod`. So I think it belongs there. In this 
> class, you could add a sentence/link to `SignatureMethod`, something like 
> "See SignatureMethod for how default values are determined when the 
> parameters are not specified." 
> Also, I think the `@implSpec` needs to be more specific, and also cover the 
> cases where some, but not all of the parameters are specified and defaults 
> are then used. For this, you will need to be more general, as the default 
> salt length is based on what hash algorithm is being used. 
> As for `@implNote`, this probably could use more discussion, but it might be 
> better to make this part of the specification. If some implementations can 
> return null, and others return defaults, it complicates the application's 
> logic. The RFC has clearly specified what the defaults should be, so maybe 
> the easiest thing to do is to make all implementations comply by also making 
> it part of the API contract, and hiding the XML details as to whether the 
> parameter was actually specified or not, which should not matter to 
> applications.

You are right that the overridable methods are elsewhere 
(`XMLSignatureFactory::newSignatureMethod` and 
`SignatureMethod::getParameterSpec`), but I still feel it a little strange to 
move the default parameter of one particular algorithm to the general interface 
`SignatureMethod` (this is similar to talking about EC curve names in 
`KeyPairGenerator`). It seems more natural to talk about this inside a class 
which is specific to the RSASSA-PSS algorithm and `RSAPSSParameterSpec` is the 
only public API we can find. We can add something like "specify null if you 
want a default spec" to `XMLSignatureFactory::newSignatureMethod` but it does 
not have enough space to describe "how default values are determined" for each 

I understand `@implSpec` is for implementations of a class or a method, but 
does not mean the words must be put inside that exact class and method? Maybe 
not necessarily.

As for making `@implSpec` more specific, at signing time, we can only either 
provide a `RSAPSSParameterSpec` or not one, so there is only one default value 
which is SHA256_RSA_MGF1. On the other hand, at validation time we might be 
parsing a partial-filled `RSAPSSParams` node and that's where default salt and 
default trailer field show up.

Also about the return value of `SignatureMethod::getParameterSpec`, are you 
suggesting that for RSASSA-PSS it must be non null? This can be specified 
somewhere but we need to find a place. For the existing `HMACParameterSpec`, 
the method returns null if none is set. Do we treat that as no spec at all (but 
for RSASSA-PSS there is always one)?

My current opinion is that we still document all these in `RSAPSSParameterSpec` 
but be very clear that this part is for 
`XMLSignatureFactory::newSignatureMethod` and that part is for 
`SignatureMethod::getParameterSpec`, etc, etc.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/3181

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