On Wed, 19 May 2021 18:44:06 GMT, Weijun Wang <wei...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Similar as the one above, it's because of
>>     static {
>>         // Don't lazy-read because every app uses invalidate()
>>         isJavaAwtSmartInvalidate = AccessController.doPrivileged(
>>                 new GetBooleanAction("java.awt.smartInvalidate"));
>>     }
> We are thinking of more tweaks after this overall change to make the 
> annotation more precise. For example, in this case we can assign the 
> `doPrivileged` result to a local variable right at its declaration, and then 
> assign it to `isJavaAwtSmartInvalidate`. Some people might think this is 
> ugly. Such manual code changes need to done little by little to ease code 
> reviewing.

I know it's not easy to read the commit and that's why I make the 3rd commit 
totally automatic. Hopefully you have more confidence on the program than my 
hand. All annotations are added to the nearest declarations.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4073

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