On Thu, 20 May 2021 04:22:32 GMT, Phil Race <p...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> That is unfortunate, but nonetheless I think required to be done.
>> We have acknowledeged this can't reasonably be called an RFE, so the JEP is 
>> introducing bugs/technical debt/call it what you will. This should generally 
>> be part of a sandbox for the JEP and fixed before integration of the JEP.
>> From my point of view it is a blocker.
> The JEP isn't PTT for 17 so there's plenty of time isn't there ?

There are 827 files in this patch. Phil is right that adding SW at the class 
level is introducing technical debt but if addressing that requires refactoring 
and re-testing of AWT or font code then it would be better to have someone from 
that area working on. Is there any reason why this can't be going on now on 
awt-dev/2d-dev and integrated immediately after JEP 411? I don't think we 
should put Max through the wringer here as there are too many areas to cover.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4073

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