Apologies, I meant when compiled to native code, when you ship native binaries.

Having said that, if it's necessary to use StackWalker behind AccessController.doPrivileged going forward then lets do so, and maybe the native binary is a later feature.

Hopefully my proposal is getting some consideration.


On 3/06/2021 5:18 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 03/06/2021 01:04, Chapman Flack wrote:
On 06/02/21 19:41, Peter Firmstone wrote:
We need the power of AccessController's stack walk, StackWalker doesn't work
with compiled code, only bytecode.
Is this correct? I have not tried it, but the apidocs had led me to
understand it did not distinguish much between JITed and interpreted code.
Even getByteCodeIndex does not mention any limitation when the frame is
JITed Java code (though it does say it will return a negative number in
the distinct case of an actual native method).

There should be no issue here. I suspect Peter meant that the stack walker is about walking Java frames, it's transparent whether there are interpreter frames, compiled frame, or a mix on the stack.


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