On Thu, 28 Oct 2021 17:21:42 GMT, Weijun Wang <wei...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> New `Subject` APIs `current()` and `callAs()` are created to be replacements 
>> of `getSubject()` and `doAs()` since the latter two methods are now 
>> deprecated for removal.
>> In this implementation, by default, `current()` returns the same value as 
>> `getSubject(AccessController.getCurrent())` and `callAs()` is implemented 
>> based on `doAs()`. This behavior is subject to change in the future once 
>> `SecurityManager` is removed.
>> User can experiment a possible future mechanism by setting the system 
>> property `jdk.security.auth.subject.useTL` to `true`, where the `callAs()` 
>> method stores the subject into a `ThreadLocal` object and the `current()` 
>> method returns it (Note: this mechanism does not work with principal-based 
>> permissions).
>> Inside JDK, we’ve switched from `getSubject()` to `current()` in JGSS and 
>> user can start switching to `callAs()` in their applications. Users can also 
>> switch to `current()` but please note that if you used to call 
>> `getSubject(acc)` in a `doPrivileged` call you might need to try calling 
>> `current()` in a `doPrivilegedWithCombiner` call to see if the 
>> `AccessControlContext` inside the call inherits the subject from the outer 
>> one.
> Weijun Wang has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   more spec tweaks

New commit pushed. CSR updated as well.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/5024

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