On Thu, 4 Nov 2021 22:11:41 GMT, Weijun Wang <wei...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> New `Subject` APIs `current()` and `callAs()` are created to be replacements 
>> of `getSubject()` and `doAs()` since the latter two methods are now 
>> deprecated for removal.
>> In this implementation, by default, `current()` returns the same value as 
>> `getSubject(AccessController.getCurrent())` and `callAs()` is implemented 
>> based on `doAs()`. This behavior is subject to change in the future once 
>> `SecurityManager` is removed.
>> User can experiment a possible future mechanism by setting the system 
>> property `jdk.security.auth.subject.useTL` to `true`, where the `callAs()` 
>> method stores the subject into a `ThreadLocal` object and the `current()` 
>> method returns it (Note: this mechanism does not work with principal-based 
>> permissions).
>> Inside JDK, we’ve switched from `getSubject()` to `current()` in JGSS and 
>> user can start switching to `callAs()` in their applications. Users can also 
>> switch to `current()` but please note that if you used to call 
>> `getSubject(acc)` in a `doPrivileged` call you might need to try calling 
>> `current()` in a `doPrivilegedWithCombiner` call to see if the 
>> `AccessControlContext` inside the call inherits the subject from the outer 
>> one.
> Weijun Wang has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   tiny spec change to be the same as CSR

When we introduce a new API, we hope it always works as specified. In this 
case, it should work with both the `ThreadLocal` and `AccessContolContext` 

In my understanding, to work with the `AccessContolContext` mechanism, this 
`Supplier<Subject>` must be wrapped into some kind of `Subject`. This could be 

Now, if we do this inside JDK, then `callAs(Supplier,Callable)` will create 
this weird subject and then call `callAs(Subject,Callable)`, and then 
`current()` will inspect if the subject is in this style and if so fetch the 
real inner subject and return it. This will be transparent to users.

Otherwise, users would need to apply this trick themselves. They need to create 
this weird subject and call the usual `callAs`. Inside the action, they do the 
same inspection and fetch the real subject. They can either use this subject 
directly, or, if the final consumer of the subject is something they can not 
control (For example, the JGSS-API `GSSContext::initSecContext` searches for 
Kerberos tickets in subject), they would have to call `callAs` again with this 
real subject. That's what I meant `callAs` in `callAs`.

That's all I can think of now.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/5024

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