On Fri, 17 Dec 2021 20:01:27 GMT, Stuart Marks <sma...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Enable the security manager in rmiregistry's launcher arguments.

I think there's little to worry about with custom configurations of the 
`rmiregistry` tool. What somebody might do is to enable a customized security 
manager using properties... of course they'd also have to ensure that the 
customized SM is somewhere in the classpath as well, by adding more command 
line options. That seems fairly unlikely to me. Anyone who wants to run an RMI 
registry service in some specialized configuration would probably just set 
things up themselves and then use the `LocateRegistry.createRegistry` API 
instead of trying to tinker with the `rmiregistry` command.

If `rmiregistry` enables the SM using properties, then yes we can probably 
change the code to assert that the SM is running instead of conditionally 
enabling it like it does now.

Next headache is that `tools/launcher/VersionCheck.jtr` fails because it sees 
the warning messages instead of the version string. (Argh!) Interestingly this 
test passes even though `rmiregistry` currently fails to operate normally, 
because it runs well enough to print its version string, but not well enough to 
start up a registry service. (Double argh!)

The warnings policy is a separate issue being discussed elsewhere.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk18/pull/45

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