On Sun, 19 Dec 2021 07:37:19 GMT, Alan Bateman <al...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Enable the security manager in rmiregistry's launcher arguments.
> As things stand, `rmiregsitry -J-Djava.security.manager` and `rmiregistry 
> -J-Djava.security.manager=allow` are equivalent because rmiregistry sets the 
> default SM. Some difference may be observed if someone is running rmiregistry 
> with a custom system class loader set, or custom file system provider, or 
> running it with a JVM TI agent that is looking at events between VMStart and 
> VMInit but these seem somewhat obscure scenarios for a command line program 
> If rmiregstry worked with ToolProvider then I think there would be more to 
> discuss. If the final patch is to have the launcher set the default security 
> manager then we may want to change RegistryImpl.createRegistry to fail if not 
> set.
> The warning that is emitted for both cases is expected. JEP 411 is very clear 
> that it there is no mechanism to suppress it. We may need to add a release 
> note to document that rmiregistry will emit a warning a startup, that will at 
> least be something to point at in the event that anyone asks or reports an 
> issue.

In the same kind of PR (https://github.com/openjdk/jdk18/pull/53) for `jstatd` 
@AlanBateman writes:
> This looks okay in that it is now worked exactly as it did in JDK 17.

And that PR uses `allow` as I have suggested here (to preserve existing 
behaviour). All the affected launchers should be fixed in the same consistent 


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk18/pull/45

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