OtherName.java @93,97


        if (derValue1.isContextSpecific((byte) 0) && derValue1.isConstructed()) {
            nameValue = derValue1.data.toByteArray();
        } else {
            throw new IOException("value is not [0]");
That exception string isn't correct (the value is usually not just the tag), nor very descriptive.  How about instead:

throw new IOException ("value is not EXPLICTly tagged [0]");

Also, the derValue1.data should be parseable into a DerValue itself. Should that be checked here as well and an error thrown if invalid?  I.e.,  add this after nameValue = ...

   try {
       new DerValue (nameValue);
   } catch (IOException ex) {
       throw new IOException ("Body of OtherName is not a valid BER or
   DER value", ex);

Thanks - Mike

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