On Thu, 30 Jun 2022 18:24:14 GMT, Xue-Lei Andrew Fan <xue...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> test/lib/jdk/test/lib/util/ForceGC.java line 70:
>>> 68:                 // But it is fine.  For most cases, the 1st GC is 
>>> sufficient
>>> 69:                 // to trigger and complete the cleanup.
>>> 70:                 queue.remove(200L);
>> If `remove()` returns a non-null value, then it is safe to break out of the 
>> loop.
>> The GC has cleared the ref. And the final `getAsBoolean()` below will return 
>> the condition.
> I'm not sure if all unused object will be collected in one GC call always.  
> The gc() specification says "When control returns from the method call, the 
> Java Virtual Machine has made a best effort to reclaim space from all unused 
> objects. ... There is also no guarantee that this effort will determine the 
> change of reachability in any particular number of objects, or that any 
> particular number of {@link java.lang.ref.Reference Reference} objects will 
> be cleared and enqueued."  But from the spec, I did not get a clear answer 
> for the question.
> If the `booleanSupplier` object could be cleared in a collection other than 
> the `ref` collection, the current code may be safer.

True, knowing when GC is 'done' is not deterministic except for a specify 
Reference to a specific object.
System.gc is just a request, the checking for an object can more quickly exit 
the loop.
The code is as is, and already commented, might wait an extra cycle, but only 
in the case of a race between the requested predicate and the object being 
reclaimed.  Ok as it.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/8979

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