On Mon, 29 Apr 2024 20:02:32 GMT, Pavel Rappo <pra...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> > We will effectively enforce javadoc comment for some method overrides 
>>> > with the checker
>>> Those overriding methods don't even appear on the javadoc output. If you go 
>>> to search for `CompletableFuture.resultNow` on 
>>> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/22/docs/api/ you will find nothing. 
>>> Why are we fixing "broken since tags" that don't even exist in the first 
>>> place?
>>> Also have you looked at the output documentation? Without the `@inheritDoc` 
>>> tags the content will only have a since tag, which is definitely wrong.
>> For overriding methods we don't look into the supertype because that's what 
>> `javadoc` (the tool) is doing, `javadoc` doesn't look into the supertype and 
>> has no special handling or support for `@since` tags in inherited methods.
>> If `javadoc` changes how it deals with method overriding in the future we 
>> will match it's behavior and look into the supertype for overriding methods.
>> What is important is that we have to match the rules used in `javadoc`.
>> You can't have both, either you add explicit javadoc comments to these 
>> methods or use rules that go against the current behavior or `javadoc`
>> Also have you looked at the output documentation? Without the `@inheritDoc` 
>> tags the content will only have a since tag, which is definitely wrong.
> This is not how I remember it. Unless written around, `{@inheritDoc}` in a 
> main description is redundant. Let me clarify what I mean. Suppose we have a 
> method:
>     /** Foos. */
>     foo()
> and a couple of other methods that override that method:
>     @Override
>     foo()
>     /**
>      */
>     @Override
>     foo()
>     /**
>      * {@inheritDoc}
>      */
>     @Override
>     foo()
> Now, as far as the main description goes, the above three are equivalent, and 
> the main description is inherited. While the third variant is arguably the 
> most readable, its `{@inheritDoc}` is unnecessary. Explicit `{@inheritDoc}` 
> is only necessary if we want to "write around" the inherited part. For 
> example:
>     /**
>      * Foos with extra steps.
>      * 
>      * {@inheritDoc}
>      * 
>      * Also bars if baz is true.
>      */
>     @Override
>     foo()
> In this case, the generated documentation would be as follows:
>     Foos with extra steps.
>     Foos.
>     Also bars if baz is true.
> `@since` is a block tag. Block tags do not belong to the main description. 
> So, if the goal is to only add a block tag, one does not need to implicitly 
> `{@inheritDoc}` the main description. Does it make sense, Chen?

Thanks for the explanation @pavelrappo. Also I recall inheritDoc has weird 
interactions with block tags like user-defined `@apiNote` in the JDK, would be 
nice if you can share more about these (also about the behaviors of inheriting 
`@throws` etc.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18954#issuecomment-2083822988

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