Hi gang,

I was wondering if someone could point me to
a source where I could find out how to
restore the background colors of the website
AUTHORS CHOICE when I view web sites 
using IE5.

I originally had it working properly and then
one day when I  noticed the links in eBay were no
longer highlighting themselves after I visited them...
I started messing around somewhere with the colors..
it didn't help... the end result of that fix  (to get the
links to highlight as *visited* was to purge the area
where I had the browser holding 999 days worth of
info)...  I completely forgot where I went and what I did
while *messing around*  and  so I don't know how to
go back on my own and undo whatever I did to cause
the background colors of a website to now be overwriting
into basic white ...  

I know that I should go to a computer tech type list
to get the fix --- which one ??

  thanks for listening...


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