On 4 Sep 2000, 6:03, Ruth Foster wrote:

> This is an interesting site...and I plan to send it on
> to others.  the descriptions of their ratings methods
> ---especially the lower ratings--are entertaining. 
> But the curious thing is that neither the ISP I pay
> nor its owner are listed...and it's quite big.  Very
> strange!  Thanks so much

That is a point I was trying to make earlier.  For most of these ISP 
directories, an ISP submits their own entry.  You would only see 
listings of ISPs that actually signed up with the service.  Since a 
majority of local ISPs around the country are already over capacity 
(IMHO), they may not feel any need to advertise in these WWW 
directories.  For local ISPs the best and most effective place to 
advertise is in the print yellow pages put out by the local phone 


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