On 11 Sep 2000, 13:43, Ken Nail, Jr. wrote:

> I read in an article years ago that while Napoleon was exiled on St.
> Helena, he was given a chess set. He played with that set frequently
> during the last years of his life unaware that within the base of the
> chess pieces were scraps of paper, which when assembled, would show him
> a map of the island. 
>  Had he ever assembled the map, he could probably have escaped. Do you
>  know how I could find out more about this story? I am writing a
>  magazine article and I need to verify my facts.
>  Thanks for your time and consideration.

I spent some time searching and nothing definitive manifested.  I think 
perhaps books might be your best course of research.


That site lists a used book that might provide you the answer:

Masson, Frederic. Napoleon at St. Helena, 1815-1821. New York; Medill 
McBride Company:1950.  A famous indictment of British treatment of 
Napoleon at his St. Helena exile/prison. 

6"x9", 283 pages, 7 b&w illustrations, dj; fine in a lightly worn dj. 
[29192] $35.00 

I found the book listed at several of the Bibliofind sources:



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