I think there is quite a lot of people extending selenium via user-extensions.js.
Would it be worth making a repository for all of these user extensions.
My preferred way would be a wiki page + special public module in selenium subversion (this module won't be part of selenium releases). Each extension would have a folder in the subversion module with the code + tests (for selenium testing itself) and readme. The wiki page may contain a short description for each extension with a link to the subversion folder. This may help to have a place to find a tool for a job and eventually correct/upgrade the extension.

Personally I made an "include" command which fetch a test page, replacing keywords with values, and include it in the current test. For the moment it only works with mozilla (because of XMLHttpRequest) + I'd like to put code's comment in English + I'd like to write tests). But it's the kind of stuff that could go in such a repository.

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