I like 1 because the html syntax has been really easy to use. Source is ugly to read, but you can just view it in a browser and it's great.

I like 2 because it's concise, but information is lost. And what if I want the id, not the name?

I like 3 because it is natural and understandable, though I would change it to:
type "jason" into field with name "user_name"
That way you can handle the attributes more easily ("with value" is more sensible to me than "valued" for example). The problem with this is that it's verbose.

I like 4 because it is easy to understand, but isn't as natural as 3. (By "natural", I just mean natural, everyday language--which is easier for non-programmers who might be working with Selenium.)

So, I don't offer a clear winner--just trade offs. Do we accept verbosity for naturalness of the language syntax? Is terseness more valued here?


On Nov 3, 2005, at 3:21 AM, Jason R Huggins wrote:

I'd like to get opinions on preferred test syntax from Selenium users...

(I'm cc'ing the dev list on this 'cause this it does have an effect on
development, but let's keep the thread on the user's list for the time

Which syntax would you prefer as the source syntax of your test scripts:
Option 1 ---->  <tr><td>type</td><td>user_name</td><td>jason</td></tr>
Option 2 ---->  type "user_name" "jason"
Option 3 ---->          type "jason" into field named "user_name"
Option 4 ---->          field(name="user_name").type("jason")

As a programmer, which would you prefer and why?
Which option do you think your end users would prefer and why?

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