On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 12:49:41PM -0800, Troy Frever wrote:
> In browsing through the archives, it appears that this question has
> come up, but I have yet to find a nice packaged answer. So here it is
> again:
> 1. Does anyone have a simple servelet or cgi script for processing the
> results sent to the postresults URL and writing them to a file (java
> or other cgi preferred, as opposed to .net)?

I've just added this functionality to the WWW-Selenium-Utils perl
package for you.  I probably won't get a chance to upload it today,
so I've attached a perl CGI script that should work for you.  You'll
probably want to change the default location it saves the results to.


Luke Closs
PureMessage Developer 
There is always time to juggle in the Sophos Zone.
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