On Donnerstag, 20. August 2009, Temlakos wrote:
> That would definitely work for me.
> Now I always attach my patches; I don't include any of my patches
> in-line. Does your e-mail client render all attachments as in-line text?
> (I believe AOL had that problem a few years ago and maybe still does.)
> Memo to Markus: If you'd rather I didn't send patches to the list, let
> me know. Happily, I'm finished sending patches for awhile; my
> development project is now complete.

That settles this issue for now, I guess. I think we rarely had that many 
patches being sent around. Fabian has already started looking at your changes 
and we will integrate them over the next weeks (let's see how much time I find 
at Wikimania for doing development ...).


> Temlakos
> Daniel Friesen wrote:
> > All these patch e-mails coming in is getting tiring. I'm getting emails
> > that are pointless for me coming into gmane (and there's a bug at the
> > moment that re-marks this list as unread when everything is read; so I
> > end up back on the long patch e-mail which bogs up my habit of using the
> > spacebar to look through new e-mails).
> > Can't we setup something like svn access, a git repo, or somewhere to
> > upload the patches?
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Markus Krötzsch  <mar...@semantic-mediawiki.org>
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* Semantic Web textbook: http://semantic-web-book.org

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