On 28/10/11 19:30, Samuel Lampa wrote:
> JFYI, I'm taking one week off from work, next week, to try to do
> something about RDFIO, to get it in a usable state, and hopefully do
> quite a lot of overall improvements as well.
> I summarized the plans here:
> http://saml.rilspace.org/one-week-off-to-work-on-rdfio
> Since I don't have too much time to work on this except when taking time
> off from work like this, I will much appreciate any input on the
> plans/progress during this coming week!
> I'll come back with a GitHub link for the repo (guess I better set up a
> temporary working repo, before checking into MW repos, due to the big
> changes that are planned ... will probably really break things for a
> while ...).

Nice :-) The general goals look very good -- hope you are making good 
progress. Feel free to skype me if you have questions (I know that I 
have not managed to complete the architecture guide yet).


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