On 10/30/2011 12:16 PM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:
> On 28/10/11 19:30, Samuel Lampa wrote:
>> JFYI, I'm taking one week off from work, next week, to try to do
>> something about RDFIO, to get it in a usable state, and hopefully do
>> quite a lot of overall improvements as well.
>> I summarized the plans here:
>> http://saml.rilspace.org/one-week-off-to-work-on-rdfio
>> Since I don't have too much time to work on this except when taking time
>> off from work like this, I will much appreciate any input on the
>> plans/progress during this coming week!
>> I'll come back with a GitHub link for the repo (guess I better set up a
>> temporary working repo, before checking into MW repos, due to the big
>> changes that are planned ... will probably really break things for a
>> while ...).
> Nice :-) The general goals look very good --

Thanks! Yeah, many big plans there ... remains to see what actually gets 
done :)

> hope you are making good
> progress. Feel free to skype me if you have questions (I know that I
> have not managed to complete the architecture guide yet).

Thanks! Hopefully the extra explanations earlier here on SMW-devel, as 
well as our discussion on SMWCon, will go a long way, but I'll be happy 
to ping you for any further questions!

Also, if you have time, it would be very nice to have some code review 
when the new structure of the extension starts to crystallize a bit 
later this week (hopefully).

(I guess that is also a suitable time to commit the stuff back to MW 
repos, so I'll come back when that happens).

// Samuel

Samuel Lampa
  Bioinformatician @ Uppsala University
    Blog: http://saml.rilspace.org

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